Thursday, May 19, 2005

Shields Gazette

The Shields Gazette

My thanks go to Murray Kelso, crime reporter at The Shields Gazette for emailing me an apology for their unintended failure to give me credit for the photograph and story about the shotgun incident at Whitburn Beach.
Which reminds me of a time before Christmas last year when I had asked the Editor of the Gazette to kindly include Curly's Corner Shop in the list of local links on the Gazette's website, to this day they still haven't added a link. This is something of a shame because I often direct readers of this blog to pages in The Gazette when referring to local stories, and there is nothing at all controversial in my main website, it's a collection of photo galleries, a time line history of the town, and a collection of link resources for local organisations, it attempts to portray everything that is good about South Shields.
With a bit of luck Curly's Corner Shop might make it on to the links page of South Tyneside Today.

Peter Collins

The former National Trust Warden has lost his appeal against dismissal at an internal hearing, following the release of the controversial Trow Quarry report into the public domain. Mr. Collins had previously been charged with communicating National Trust matters relating to Souter Lighthouse, The Leas, and Trow Quarry to the local press and as such was only continuing what he saw as his normal duty. He will be pressing now for an industrial tribunal to find unfair dismissal. Mr. Collins has my fullest support.

Read the full story here.

Tomorrow I hope to report on an increasingly dangerous traffic parking problem in the town which is resulting in drivers having to drive on the wrong side of the road into the path of oncoming traffic.


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Born in 1956
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Former Borough Councillor
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