Saturday, May 14, 2005

"Safe" Trow Quarry

After South Tyneside Council had exhonerated itself by making a declaration that Trow Quarry and Graham Sands were safe for public use, I decided to have a look down there today to see how things were. It wasn't particularly warm with a stiff chiiled breeze blowing, but the weather wasn't too bad. There were quite a lot of people down there today, families playing with children in the quarry and also on the beach clambering over rocks and picking things up on the beach (despite the warning signs indicating that this should not be done).
The National Trust, which promised some months ago to take measures to restrict public access to Graham Sands beach, has indeed taken some action - they have erected a new notice! Needless to say, nobody had bothered to read it and they all roamed about the site without a care in the world. This is not what I imagined "restricting public access" would mean.
If this area is safe, why do we still need notice boards telling everyone what they should not do?

Click pictures to enlarge

I decided to investigate the beach at Graham Sands, you will remember that this is the place where the seaward facing edge of the infill is eroding and pieces are falling onto the beach, it is also the easiest escape route for landfill leechiates. Along the beach, where families were playing, I found something that worried me even further. I had already been to Marsden Bay and Sandhaven beaches but had not seen any similar things there. All along the beach the sea was depositing a strange sticky foam like substance. it had a brownish hue to it, and it's odour was none too pleasant, it literally stuck to the sand and refused to go away!

Click pictures to enlarge

I dion't know what this substance is, I only know that it looks and smells unpleasant, I have never experienced such a thing before, it looks rather like the quick expanding foam fillers that are available in DIY stores.

I personally don't think that this beach is either safe or clean for families to visit..............but who am I to raise such concerns!


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