Thursday, May 26, 2005

Sacks of carrots

He is not a "W", he's a "sack of carrots"

This is not as funny as it looks, it's quite serious! A 15 year old boy identified only as "W" is launching an action in the High Court, with the backing of the human rights group Liberty, in attempt to stifle the government's, and Richmond-upon-Thames Council's, attempts to set up restricted area "curfew zones". This is a test case which aims to establish how far the Bliar bully state is infringing upon the rights of ordinary citizens. The policy of instilling "respect" amongst the cultureless yobs appears to be showing no respect at all for the ordinary law abiding mortals, who have to suffer restrictions on their freedoms, even when they are exceptionally well behaved.

Lord Justice Brooke summed up the question before the court, saying: "There is apparently a power to remove an under 16-year-old as if he were a sack of carrots, but what are his rights as a child?"

See the full story - click here

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