Monday, May 16, 2005

Monday updates

End of Season Debris

The last of the season's football games have taken place on "the Dragon" yesterday, and as is now becoming normal the site was left in an absolute mess. I wish I'd taken the new camera with me to record the fact, but Sunday know how it is.
The pitches were littered with empty water bottles, sticky tape (used for keeping shin pads in place beneeth the socks), band aids, snapped lengths of bootlaces etc. These teams have to pay a fee for the use of the council pitches, it's not an awful lot, but they leave the place in such an unsightly mess! The weather yesterday was very pleasant and warm resulting in a lot of visitors to the sea front, many of whom parked their cars on Bents Park Road, before walking across "the Dragon". I too did the same, but had to pick my way through this debris in between the pitches.
It's also a danger for the gulls and other birds that land here, they pick anything up and could easily be choked to death on the lengths of electrical tape and bootlaces.
It wouldn't take too much organisation for each team to bring a bin liner with them and clean up their touchline at the end of the match, the rubbish could then be disposed of responsibly. I think the council ought to impose a hefty fine on those teams who leave the pitches in such a mess, that might make them think twice about it!


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