Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Foreshore Plan

It's your time to speak up!

The Council have quite an exiting skeleton plan for redevelopment of the foreshore, but it will require a lot of input from the likes of me and you. Yes us, all of us, those who live here, those who have connections with the town, and those who visit South Shields. There is a lot to be garnered from the tourist visitors, who in years to come could add millions of pounds to our local economy. The Council started a public consultation exercise last year, beginning with Gypsies Green Stadium, but they wisely decided to widen their remit to include the whole of the sea front, from Sandhaven Hotel to Gypsies Green.
I recall posting in this blog to get people to write to, or email Alan Dibden at the Council with their views; I certainly got in touch with him myself, and I'm glad to see that at least my views on bringing the South Marine Park back to it's Victorian splendour, and the building of a permanent stage in the Bents Park have been taken on board.

Read this article in the Gazette

Consider what you want to see down there, consider what our visitors need down there, consider what future generations will benefit from, then put your thoughts together and email Alan Dibden at
A few minutes of your time will not have been wasted, and despite the fact that I oppose most things that our Council do, I believe that they have taken the right decision in seeking a very wide view from the public. I cannot see any evidence of "they've already decided what to do anyway", so there is no reason to think that you'll be wasting your time and effort.


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