Friday, April 08, 2005

You Gov Poll

First Yougov Poll

The first Yougov Poll of the election reflects a raft of polls published this week indicating that the two main parties are neck and neck at the start of the campaign.
The big interest in today's poll is the amount of trust lost by Tony Blair and the possibility that he may no longer be an asset for the Labour Party.

There has been little campaigning today, as a gesture of respect on the day of the late Pope's funeral.

Yougov poll in the Daily Telegraph - click here

TV New Zealand reprts on the polls suggesting that Labour's majority will be seriously reduced, and that Blair is still likely to win the election but could well resign as Prime Minister shortly after!

TVNZ - click here

An indication of Labour's unease at Blair's unpopularity could be found in the decision not to place a photograph of the Prime Minister on the party's manifesto, and the decision by the majority of his party's current MP's not to feature the Prime Minister on their own election publications.

Nationally the party appears to be doing what it can to promote closeness to the Prime Minister, this is evidenced by the new "splash" that preceded the homepage on the party's website. I'm a little impressed with this "talk to Tony thing" I might give it a try. I'll speak my mind about how much of my earned income finds it's way into the Exchequor, how we sent our boys into a war in Iraq on very questionable "evidence", how I worry about the cost of educating my children when they are old enough to go to college, how I worry about going into hospital for something minor and perhaps being killed by the MRSA bug!! There are plenty of thing's I'd like to tell Tony, I hope the box is big enough!

The Labour Party - click here to tell Tony

The Conservative Party has announced on it's website that they will spend GBP52m on waging war against the MRSA bug in the NHS, a surefire way of wiping the floor with John Reid?

The Conservative Party - click here


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