Monday, April 11, 2005Tory ManifestoConservative Party Manifesto The Tory Party has today published it's election manifesto, a slim volume containing only six basic pledges which they hope will have universal appeal. I'm particularly glad that the immigration issue is included. For far too long many politicians have been afraid to air views on immigration publicly, fearing being branded a racist or worse, however, with Michael Howard being of the Jewish faith, it would be very difficult to wave that card at him! He is being sensible by including harder immigration quotas and controls in the manifesto, it is an issue which many people believe has been allowed to get out of control. We dislike the asylum policies, we dislike seeing taxpayers money thrown at these people, we dislike the crime that they bring, we dislike the way that they disappear as soon as they make an asylum application, we dislike the diseases such as tuberculosis that they bring in with them, we dislike their use of our National Health Service, in short we dislike intensely beeing seen as a soft touch! Another issue which ought to find favour with the common man in the street is the pledge not to join in the European single currency, let's keep the pound and our Queen's head on our currency! The Tories are also pledging a review on speed camera policies, for long seen as another stealth tax which has done little to improve road safety and much to improve police authority revenues. Precis of the manifesto - click here |
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