Monday, April 18, 2005

Not voting

Intentional "stay at homes"

The Sun and the BBC report on the worrying growth of those who intend not to vote at all, indeed I have found a blog dedicated to those who wish to explain why they won't be voting; Not Apathetic has pieces from thousands of "moaning minnies" crying their eyes out and complaining that the current political parties don't represent them. No doubt these very same people will carry on moaning and groaning throughout the life of the next government and beyond!

If you don't care for the political parties that are on offer in your constituency, then why not get off your apathetic arses and do something about it, instead of just moaning? Try joining a party and using your views to influence it from the inside, join a party that has no representation or organisation in your area and help to build it from scratch (it will surely then be in your mould), confirm your own views and opinions by raising enough money for the deposit and stand as an independant (like Mr. A-Naderi here in South Shields).

Whatever you decide, for God's sake stop proliferating websites with your "don't vote" message, it is extremely unhealthy in a democracy! In some states, I believe Australia is one, you have a legal duty and obligation to vote, and will face a small penalty for failing to do so, I wish it was thus in Great Britain. People fought and died to gain universal sufferage and the ability to elect their parliament, yet some of us would seriously weaken the strength of our institutuions by being too damned lazy to think about the issues, or to deliberately flunk out of making an informed choice.

My message to those on Not Apathetic is quite simple - GROW UP!

Not Apathetic -click here

Meanwhile The Sun has admirably started a campaign "Rock the Vote" to encourage the younger portions of the electorate to use their vote, they have enlisted the support of a number of "celebs" including Justin Hawkins, Noel Gallagher, Sir Alex Ferguson, and Dame Kelly Holmes. The paper recognises that if turnout trends continue to decline then future governments will increasingly be decided by the "grey vote", because the over 65's are the only ones to appreciate the importance of the event.
Justin Hawkins, one of The Sun's celeb backers

Rock the Vote - click here

In South Shields, the hustings for all intents and purposes appear to be totally non-existent, this may have something to do with the Shields Gazette's policy of being even handed with all political parties. The local newspaper has a duty and responsibility to give, as far as practicle, an equal amount of coverage to all candidates in the election, and so, it seems, they have taken a policy decision to give none at all. The lack of news quickly translates into a general lack of interest, the only activity in any media locally appears to be this blog and it's associated message board.

I went so far as to send an email to the Conservative Party candidate towards the back end of last week, you may recall my criticism of the party machine failing to monitor it's blog and it's mail box. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that Mr. Richard Lewis suffers from the same problem. If someone reading this post could give him a gentle nudge?

The Independant Candidate Mr. Nader A-Naderi was kind enough to email me lots of campaign details and some pictures, thank you.

I will be making similar requests of the Labour and Lib-Dem candidates in the next few days.


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