Friday, April 01, 2005

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Tough week for Curly

I've been having a bit of a tough week - once it was discovered that a "bigwig" director had decided to visit the Corner Shop today.

As is usual on such occasions we like to display our produce in the best possible manner, and spruce the old place up a bit, give it a lick of paint, and spit and polish. Hence we've all been going without a day off, working twelve hour shifts and some working overnight as well. It's tiring! Last night I was in bed and fast asleep by 8.30 p.m., that explains why I'm posting so early this morning (and why I haven't found time to post over the last few nights.) So we all hope he comes today, likes what he sees, goes away, and tries not to come back too often!

I've also been adding a new DVD rewriter and an additional hard drive to the pc, so the wish list will have to be amended. It also won't be long before I get my twentieth anniversary present from work and the new digital camera. I've finally decided on the Fuji Finepix S5500 which has the equivalent 35mm zoom capability of 34mm to 410mm - can't wait!

Unfortunately I'm working this Saturday until 8.00 p.m. and will miss listening to the QPR v Sunderland match on the radio and will have to wait until I receive the goal clips in the email. Fingers crossed for another win..

If things go well today I might get an early finish and post again later.


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Born in 1956
Sunderland fan
Former Borough Councillor
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south-shields AT
blueyonder DOT co DOT uk

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