Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Trow Quarry

Jim Perry forbids questions

Cllr. Jim Perry, Chairman of the Council's Scritiny Commission into the Trow Quarry debacle has firmly rebutted questions from opposition Cllr. David Potts.

Cllr. Potts, it is reported, intended to ask the National Trust questions about it's handling of Peter Collins (their former warden of the Leas) and his loss of employment and home. However, he was not allowed to pose his questions as Cllr. Perry firmly refused him permission on the grounds that there may be an Industrial Tribunal into Peter Collins' dismissal.

Cllr. Potts wished only to know why the National Trust was hiding behind it's own press and publicity protocols in not wishing to discuss matters that were very high in the public interest.

The longer this saga continues, the more convinced I become that the Scrutiny Commission will announce that Trow Quarry is perfectly safe for the public to use - and yes, I am prejudging! I am allowed an opinion!

The "finalising" of the High-Point Rendell report, the subsequent internal Council audit, and the appointment of a Scrutiny Commission, have all been an elaborate exercise in damage limitation; and I'm not talking about damage to the coast and it's environment, I'm talking about damage to reputations!!

Read the Gazette story about Cllr. Potts - click here


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