Friday, March 04, 2005

Trow Quarry

Trow Quarry

I've had an email from George Wilson of Hebburn along with some photos (thanks very much George, much appreciated) asking me "what's going on down at Trow Rocks?"

The answer is further environmental investigations George. The men in your pictures are from the independent consultants High-Point Rendell, and they are performing further tests in new bore holes. I guess that is a drilling rig that they are working with. They intend to investigate further the risks and dangers posed by the toxic waste buried beneath your feet as well as to measure the migration of methane gas (you mentioned a particular strong odour as you walked past.)

I also note from your pictures that it appears that the National Trust has still not got around to erecting a new safety fence along the seaward edge of the former infill site.

Come on guys, stop dragging your feet!


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