Sunday, March 13, 2005


Different view!

Last week I was challenged by a reader of an American message board (from Western Australia) to produce some pictures of South Shields taken from the North bank of the River Tyne. This morning I left the house at 07.30 and arrived in North Shields at 07.50, just a little too late to catch that "magic light" that appears 30 minutes before dawn or 30 minutes after sunset. However I took about a hundred shots from locations such as Tynemouth Haven, North Shields Fish Quay, and the old Smith's Docks site, and I've published one of them in the post above. Despite missing the good light, I'm quite pleased with the shot, the tide was very low and one could climb down from the North Pier and shoot from within the field of the Black Middens below the Spanish Battery.

I still have over 50% of the shots to "post process" in Photoshop, so perhaps when I'm finished, I might publish another one in this blog.


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