Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Anti Terror Laws

Anti Terrorism Bill

The Labour government is getting itself into a bit of a pickle with it's new anti-terrorism legislation, at one point during last night's debates it's majority was down to 14 votes. Charles Clark has made a major concesion by agreeing that the Home Secretary should apply to a judge in the High Court for the granting of "control orders", thus agreeing that some of the power of the politicians will be ceeded to the judiciary. It's a step in the right direction.
However, the bill is likely to be substantially rewritten during during it's passage through the House of Lords, and the Conservatives have already given notice of their intention to add an amendment limiting the life of the eventual Act to November 2005. This means the legislation will die then, and whichever party is in government after the election will need to draft new legislation.
This is a very astute move, the Tories are seen to be "on message" by not voting against the bill, and it allows a new administration plenty of time to draft a more sensible Bill.


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