Monday, February 21, 2005

Trow Quarry

Trow Quarry to be fenced off!

The headline story in today's edition of the Shields Gazette is about the National Trust's decision to erect a new fence at Trow Quarry to restrict public access to the site. Readers of this blog will know that this is something that I have been campaigning for since December of last year (look through the archives in the side bar).

It is essential to minimise the risks to the public from the toxic waste finding it's way onto the beach adjacent to the exposed face of the infill site at Trow Quarry, material can regularly be found at this spot because the sea has eroded the infill which is very soft and loose. Asbestos sheets have been found here, and smaller asbestos spores are easily carried on the wind, additionally we still do not as yet know the full implications of gas migration (methane and carbon monoxide). So until the next report is finalised by High-Point Rendell it would be wise to keep people away from the site.

A further story in the Gazette hints at the possibility of an early decision on the application for Village Green status for Temple Memorial Park. A favourable decision will be much welcomed and will safeguard the park for future generations. The Council could do the town a huge service by agreeing to this proposal.

I am very proud of the achievements of a few people sat in front of their keyboards, taking the time to email local Councillors, local press, and television stations. Quite a few of them were prepared to get off their backsides to take some positive actions to influence the Council, particularly on the Temple Memorial Park.

It seems that local politics is being worn down by the power of the internet, I consider these two decisions to be victories for the Bloggers!

Read the gazette story here


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Former Borough Councillor
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