Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Curly is ill

I offer my apologies for failing to make new posts these last couple of days, I've been feeling quite ill with a bout of gastroenteritis and a very high temperature. Junior and missy Curly have suffered as well. I managed to go to work this morning but by 07.10 I had to return home. My stomach even rejected my first cup of coffee of the day!
Last evening I managed to get about 90 minutes sleep and visited the bathroom no less than six times to evacuate my stomach, the seering pains were quite unbearable, I had to take four loperamide hydrochloride to try and relieve the pain, but to no avail, and with a burning temperature I really should have forseen the consequences for the morning.

However, I have just enjoyed six hours of solid sleep and feel a fair bit better, but somehow I don't wish to take any food. I'll just restrict my intake to liquids only for the rest of the day, so I ought to be fit enough to return to work tomorrow.


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Former Borough Councillor
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