Monday, February 21, 2005

First Snow

First snow of winter in South Shields

We woke up yesterday with a blanket of snow at last, I have to like it, if only to see the enjoyment in our children's faces. A bitterly cold North-Easterly wind brought angry clouds over the North Sea and deposited a fair amount of snow. Luckily the Council uded the weather forecasts to good advantage and gritters were out all night. All major roads were nice and clear.

One minor road that was not clears was Sunniside Lane in Cleadon Village. It was choked with traffic as families took to the hills with sledges and toboggans! Generally, when it snows here it only lies for a few hours, because the saltiness of the breeze from the sea causes it to melt, except when the wind blows from the East. As temperatures rose during the day, the snow melted away, and then as night drew in the temperatures dropped and the world seemed like a huge skating rink.

As I sit and post, the snow is falling again onto frozen ground, and it looks as though we'll get a fair bit of it today.


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