Friday, February 18, 2005

Charles and Camilla

Charles and Camilla

It seems, talking to people in the Corner Shop, that the prospect of the forthcoming marriage of Prince Charles to Mrs. Camilla Parker Bowles is exciting the nation's newspapers far more than the rest of us. The only real talking point is whether or not Mrs. Parker Bowles will eventually become Queen!
The current "intention" is that after Charle's accession, she will take the title Princess Consort, however, if the public mood swings their way over the next decade or so, there is no reason why she may not change her mind (or a future Government takes a different view of the matter.
The one thing that tickled a lot of us today is the announcement that the civil marriage ceremony will no longer take place in Windsor Castle, but in Windsor's Guildhall (Town Hall).
The reason for this is, if Windsor Castle were given a licence to hold civil marriage ceremonies, the venue would need to stay available for any civil wedding for the next three years. Obviously, and for security reasons, H.M. the Queen could ill afford to bow to this demand. So Charles and Camilla will now queue up at the Town Hall with their witnesses along with the rest of the "ordinary" public. Ha, Ha!!

Curly's Corner Shop

I am pleased to announce that Curly's Corner Shop is now back online and can be accessed through the link in to my homepage in the sidebar. I would like to apologise for the loss of service this week caused by server "timeouts" on Telewest's hosting server.


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