Saturday, January 01, 2005

Tsunami, a sobering thought!

I've been trying hard to comprehend and imagine the horrors faced by those in Indionesia as the tidal wave smashed in and killed so many or wrecked their towns. The imagination struggles to cope with something that we have never experienced. These thoughts are for those with a little knowledge of South Shields.
South Shields has a population of about 90,000 (almost the same as Acceh), we are situated at the mouth of the River Tyne on the North-East coast of England. If a tidal wave of the same dimension and speed was to rise from the North Sea to hit our beach it is likely that it would consume land up to a kilometre past the beach, and even further along the river banks. The whole of the commercial town centre would be wiped out including Ocean Road and King Street and the Market Place, damage would likely spread all the way along the riverfront to Tyne Dock and Jarrow Slake. The tallest waves would be as high as the Town Hall.
To be caught up in it would be sheer horror, it wouldn't feel like being overcome by water, more like getting hit by a wall of concrete. Most people would be battered to death by parts of damaged structures, swirling vehicles, uprooted trees etc.
If Acceh's population was reduced by 80%, then ours could be reduced by about 50,000 (bearing in mind we have some stronger structures).
Events would then be followed by a terrible silence.

Now try to imagine, having survived this cataclysmic event, trying to find lost family and friends. Trying to find shelter. Trying to find food and clean drinking water. Trying to move around through the debris, and bodies rotting and stinking away. Try to imagine how your brain would cope.

This is not a very inviting scenario, but thousands of poor souls in Asia now have to somehow survive the next stage of their survive!

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