Friday, January 19, 2007

Someone's idea of a joke?

South Tyneside Primary Healthcare Trust in planning application for Temple Memorial Park!

Just take a look at all the fuss that was created the last time - go on, pick any of the links you care!

One might wonder at the audacity of any South Tyneside Borough councillor who might deem to think that this is a suitable application, the use of any building or resource on Temple Memorial Park in South Shields for any reason which is not for leisure or recreation is expressly forbidden. The people have already spoken with a loud enough voice in the past, and you as one of our representatives should have our interests at heart. Just remember, dear councillor, the fight over Temple Memorial Park in 2004-5 did not make pretty reading and you would not care to run the same episodes over again.

Somebody please tell South Tyneside Primary Healthcare Trust to reconsider and go look for somewhere else!


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